Monday, October 19, 2009

Vancouver's economy must be booming...

So I think that Vancouver's economy must be booming. I know this because so far at least 700 people have decided that $70 isn't too much to spend on a Half Marathon entry, and have registered for the Fall Classic races at UBC.

It's $50 for the 5K, and $70 for the Half. They give you a technical top too, but I'd rather buy that myself for 45 dollars, and pay $25 to race.

I was almost sucked in too (and still might be...) but then realized that $70 is a lot of money, and it's not like they're giving out free rent or jobs at the finish line. First come, first served! The best jobs and places to rent to go the fastest runners. Now that would make it worth the entry fee!

I think they can charge this and still get hundreds of racers because it's the last race of the season on the Lower Mainland. Everyone is probably pretty fit, and believes they still have a Personal Best left in them this season.

The race entry doesn't just guarantee you a number plate and a spot at the starting line, but it also gives you hope. And who wouldn't pay $70 for hope? Hope for a PB, hope to end the running season on a good note, hope that you won't feel guilty not running in the rainy winter if you only turn in a good performance at this last $70 race.

So, $70. That's too much. I hope I don't cave. It's in a month. I can complain all I want about the price, but it's not like I have to pay it. I can choose not to race, and save myself the price of a pair of winter boots!

Or, I can tell the organizers that $70 is a reasonable rate to pay for a race if I sign up and find myself at the starting line.

I might go for a run in the woods for free instead that day.

1 comment:

Van Drunen said...

don't forget the pre-race pomplemousse,oh you're not racing.