Thursday, October 1, 2009


I'm in a state of constant change over here, and it's quite the mental effort to stay on top of things.

Two weeks ago, I was concerned because while I had a place to live in Whistler, I didn't have a job. Now, the tables have turned and I now have a job, but am looking for a new place to live for November.

I thought I might have to find a new place, but hoped that I wouldn't. Turns out that now I do have to hit the housing market, at probably the worst time in Whistler's history.

Shared rooms are going for $750/mo in Whistler. Personal rooms can be had for 500ish outside of Whistler, in places like Pemberton and Squamish.

I've emailed a few places, and one place seems pretty interested in me living with them. It'd be a huge house though, with something like six Aussies and three from Quebec. I imagine it'll be a busy place, and maybe a lot of carousing. I'm not into that atmosphere!

My friend Derek may have something for me to think about as well, which would be significantly cheaper and better, but who knows how that will go. He's talking to his friend on my behalf, so I have to wait to hear back.

It's tough trying to sort out all the different options. If I get into House A, will House B be an opportunity I should have taken? Will House C become available sooner than planned? It's very difficult because sometimes you have to jump at opportunities when they present themselves, but what if it's not the best one?

I've got a few irons in the fire for places to live, so that's positive. But everything is so expensive! Is it really worth it to live here for the Olympic year, when I can't even afford a pass? These are things I have to figure out.

I've been trying to get into the Vancouver job market for some time now, and haven't been successful. I think I'll try the legal angle next, and see what happens.

So I'm keeping a lot of balls in the air at the moment, and worried that if I drop the wrong one, it could be a bad move. Things could get all sorted out, or they may not. We'll see how it all pans out I guess.

In other news, the Canucks are playing their opening game tonight. I'm going to go over to Victor's to watch it. That'll be a nice diversion!

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