Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Turkery Dump

So, with Thanksgiving upon us, many university students will be going to their hometowns to visit with their friends, families, and occasionaly, significant others.

A term that some of these returning students will be familiar with by the end of the weekend is Turkey Dump.

Because I strive to keep my readership informed, I'll explain what a Turkey Dump is. It's not toilet humour!

A Turkey Dump happens when Joe University returns home and visits with his girlfriend, Jane Highschool. Joe has been having great times living on-campus. He decides that either it's too hard to maintain his long distance relationship, or that he wants to pursue other options at his new school.

He will explain this to Jane Highschool, and they will break up.

Jane Highschool has now been the victim of a Turkey Dump.

Since there's a term for it, it must happen all the time! And, it just popped up on CBC radio, so you know it's a legitimate term.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am surprised you were able to blog even though you had such a busy day yesterday. ps. Don't turkey dump me!