Thursday, October 22, 2009

Session Reports

Carmella and I have been enjoying Carcassone, and since the game isn't ours, we are looking to get a copy of it. In my research, I came across a site called Board Game Geek.

I checked out the site, and it's pretty informative. There are game ratings, reviews, and a message board where people discuss various aspects of the games they like.

There is one part of the site that is embarrassing though. It's in the Forum section, called Session Reports.

What you do in this section is report on the games you played. A sample post, which people will respond to, might go something like this:

"The game started as any other. Blue occupied the first cloister, and expanded by building roads. Yellow opted to focus on cities, and was successful in that regard. Yellow was dominating, and seemed untouchable. Green was not a factor in the game.

Blue began to turn the tide with an unorthadox tile placement, placing the river very close to the road. Blue then shattered all conventions by farming the area nearby, ensuring victory with only a few tiles left!"

People will then respond to this Session Report, saying things like

"Yellow should have been wary of the inevitable river tile."

"Excellent work blue! I was victorious in a similar situation a few weeks ago. You can read my Session Report about it."

From my limited experience reading the BoardGameGeek site, I like the information it offers. But reading the Session Reports is rough. I like gaming as much as the next person, but I will rue the day when I excuse myself from the table to write up a Session Report on the game I just played!

You can find BoardGameGeek here,

and the Session Report section of the forum, with a link to a Trains report, here.

edit: Is writing a Session Report about a game pretty much the same thing as writing this blog about my day? Probably.

Pot, meet Kettle!

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