Wednesday, October 28, 2009

U2 Line-Up #1

Carmella and I are in line for the U2 show!

We left Whistler at about 7am, It's probably around 9:30 now, and the doors open at 5pm. The show is at BC Place, where football is played, and where the opening and closing ceremonies will be come Olympic time. So it's a large venue.

We are numbers 493 an 494. Our aim is to get into The Pit, which we should be able to do. The Pit is the area inside the circular stage. 2500 people fit in there, so we're doing well.

Now time for guest blogger: Carmella

My hands are cold as I type into Jono's blackberry machine. He keeps offering me his bike gloves but I prefer my long jacket sleeves. Plus you can't type with gloves on. The girl behind us in line is a true fan. She has been to twelve shows this tour, 48 in total, starting in '87 when she was a child. She knows where the best places to stand are in the pit. She is telling us about all the different crowds. For example: Paris was a crazy show, everyone was rude there. She is a flight attendant full time, and a U2 line waiter part time casual; hotels not included.

It is now 11 am, so time is flying here at BC Place. I feel a sense of Vancouver pride as I see people walking by on the sea wall with coffee cups and black shiny jackets. Everyone in Vancouver has a shiny black jacket for some reason. Its kinda the Van thing.

More updates later!

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