Thursday, October 15, 2009

Push-ups and sit-ups

Last night I got home home pretty late, and was sleeping by about 2am. It was important that I play some Carcassonne after I got off work at 11. I remember how it used to be with Settlers at Christmas; we'd get a lot of games in, and each game was an opportunity to improve on the last, and a chance at victory.

I feel the same way about Carcassonne. I want to play a better game each time, and I think about how I can improve on my last one. I think I need to claim more roads, and have a few projects on the go at once. We'll see how that pans out. I'm still winless unfortunately.

I woke up late this morning, after silencing my alarm a few times. I have only a bit of time before I have to go to work again, so I have tried to be at least a bit productive. I've cleaned my room a bit, I've done laundry, and I've had a bit of exercise. I didn't have time to go for a run, so I just did some core-strength workouts in my yard.

I met my friend Ben at the gym the other day, as he was leaving and Carmella and I were finishing up a game of squash. He just completed the Victoria Marathon, and was talking about other races he'd like to do. He inspired me to get back on the running wagon. He's been running well all summer, and has had some impressive results. He's faster than I am, but if the workout is short enough, I can keep up. I'm hoping to get fit enough to run a half-marathon with him in the next month and a half, in Vancouver. We'll see how I do.

I have just enough time to make some food before work, and get myself ready for the day. I wish I didn't sleep as long as I did, but that's OK. I just couldn't get myself up.

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