Sunday, October 4, 2009

A regular day

Today was a pretty regular work day for me, even though it was Sunday. Working on Sunday always feels a bit out of sync with the rest of the world, even though working on Sunday is a pretty regular thing around here.

Sundays seem to have an inherent feeling of relaxed composure. People do things more slowly on Sundays. If there was a day when John Q Public would take notice of small flower growing in a sidewalk crack, or a leaf caught in an eddy in the midst of a rushing river, it would happen on a Sunday.

Today was a typical fall Sunday, the kind that you think of if you tell people autumn was your favourite season. Images of brisk air, cool sunshine, and whirling, blowing coloured leaves come to mind when you picture an ideal autumn day, and that day was today.

I felt a bit disconnected from all of these images and feelings though, especially when I sat in church this afternoon. I felt like most other people were in their Sunday routines, and late-afternoon church was an extension of that. They probably ate leisurely breakfasts, did some moderate exercise, and socialized. Church would fit right in.

For me, I went to church almost directly after getting done work. I was tired and lethargic, hoping that the temperature in the building wouldn't be too high, as it would promote an untimely nap. I was not in a restful frame.

When church was over, it seemed like most people continued on with their leisurely Sunday schedule, by visiting with each other and sharing dinners and having a nice evening. I wasn't on this program though, and the idea of socializing was a bit too much for me. It was made worse by my tiredness.

Instead of socializing with my friends, all I wanted to do was go home and be alone. I had things to do; laundry to get at, dishes to soak, garbage to take out. And, a nap to take. I was feeling a tad reclusive, and was happy to go home and be alone.

Before I went home though, I drove to the edge of Green Lake and took the picture of the setting sun you see at the top of the post. It would have been better if I was there a few minutes before, but it was still nice.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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