Monday, October 26, 2009


It snowed today, and I had to brush off my car (The Pickle!) before I could leave work at 11pm.

There are different theories about what counts as the season's first snow; the snow has to stick around until noon, you can't be able to see grass, there has to be an arbitrary depth after a full 24 hours.

Whatever the case, today's snow was significant for me since it was the first of many times I'll have to brush snow off my own vehicle. I think it counts!

We'll see if the snow sticks around until noon. My friend Victor runs a Snow Pool every year. You pay five dollars and reserve a day on the calendar, and if that is the first day it snows, you collect the pot. You can enter as many times as you wish, but only one person can lay claim to a single day.

I bet nobody chose today! Victor has specific rules on what constitutes the official first snow, so I'll ask him what they are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have a snow brush? It is worth the $10 investment at canadian tire to not have to go to work with a wet sleeve.