Friday, October 2, 2009

Trip wrap up-wrap up

Guest Blogger-Carmella

So the dino experience was one to be noted. Not only did the dinosaurs come to life while we were there, but they tried to take a bite out of Jonathan's arm. Argh!! I told them to stop. But it's okay because they didn't take too much off. He just has a little scar.

This town called Drumheller was swarming with Dinos. There were dinos at the restaurants, dinos at the hotels, and dinos at the museum. No wonder they have made a spectacle of it. Then we got our picture taken over the badlands and it was one of the best! Next we jumped in the car, grabbed a few dino-shaped flapjacks and headed to Banff. C drove this part while lil' Jon bagged a few Z's. Banff was more touristy than the average ski town, with every chain store you can think of and all the houses painted with chalet strips shaped into diamonds. We busted a lizzy (left turn) and went straight to Lake Louise where we would set up camp for the night.

Well we did make the one hour drive to Lake Louise where we set up camp even though it was negatory 6. Yikes, that is cold! We decided to eat at the hostel because it was cheap and comfy. We had some beer and some nice food and skalked the locals. Then we retired to our tent and practiced some Puritan bundling. There was an electric fence that went around the whole camp site, so don't worry, no grizzlies could get in. I was Cold! The end!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Puritan bundling!!! Ahahaha I laughed out loud at that part..ask JOnnie, he was on Skype with me at the time. Man, that is classic. I like this guest blogger..she brings a ne sais it all!