Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two to go.

189 teaching days down, only two to go. The full school year contains 191 teaching days.

I have a near-perfect attendance record. One day in the first semester I did not teach because I was in Hong Kong getting my working visa. Another day in the second semester I didn't teach since I was bringing Carol to the airport.

187 (189 - 2) times I have woken up, wearily shouldered my teaching bag, and plodded down the stairs from my apartment to my classroom.

187 times I have walked into my two year-old class and wondered how I was going to fill the next twenty-five minutes.

187 times I have wondered if they're going to serve chicken breast in the cafeteria. I have been disappointed 186 times. One day, it all came together for must have been a cooking mistake. The chicken was dry instead of oily, and I didn't have to de-bone anything! It was glorious.

187 times I've triumphantly returned to my room, dropped my teaching bag on the floor, and been satisfied with another completed day.

Two more days of teaching!

I've finished 98.95% of my teaching contract. If I was running a 10K, I'd have only 105 meters to go. Bring it home stong, Mr. Jon!

1 comment:

Jazzy said...

Ha, best blog ever. Have fun with your last two days of teaching!!!