Monday, July 7, 2008

The future of this space.

Tomorrow I leave GZ to meet Kirsten in Hong Kong. We'll then go to Indonesia together, and try our luck at surfing in Bali.

I don't know what the trip has in store, so I don't know if I'll update this blog with Indonesia details. It may depend on finding time, as well as solid internet connections.

So, watch this space, but not too closely, for updates on our Bali experience.

That pretty much does it for ζˆ‘δΈζ‡‚:jvd in China.

Thanks for all the comments, encouragement, and most of all, for reading. I've had a lot of fun writing this blog, and I'd often fall asleep thinking about paragraphing, word choice, and ideas for new posts. I wouldn't have enjoyed writing it so much if nobody was reading it.

Goodbye from China!

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