Monday, March 3, 2008


I started swimming today. My hope is to go every day that it's nice outside, in an attempt to prepare myself for surfing in July. It's a struggle at this point though, as I find it hard to go even twenty five metres without stopping. I understand now how hard it is for some people to start running, if it's not something they're used to doing. I went on my two hour lunch break, when the children are napping and the other teachers are watching over them. I usually nap as well (what else am I going to do?), but today I opted to go for a swim and will go to bed earlier tonight.

If I take my swimming slowly and don't expect results too fast, I will hopefully see improvement. I find it a struggle to regulate my breathing and getting used to breathing out under water, and inhaling some water along with air. Today I only used the front crawl, because I want to get my upper body used to paddling a surfboard. However, because I haven't swum in more than fifteen years, I got tuckered out in less than twenty minutes. I think if I supplement my front crawl with some breast stroke, I'll be able to last longer in the pool and get a better workout. I will try that tomorrow if it's nice outside. Maybe I'll even go out there if it's raining, to prove my mettle! Of course I'll only go if I feel up to it. Maybe by tomorrow my body will feel like I got hit by a cement truck, and if that's the case I'll give it a rest before I heard to the pool again.

Back in Victoria I bought goggles with the aim of going swimming, for a full body workout. The pool was full the first day I went, and I couldn't get to the other end of it without stopping. I was embarrassed and never went back. My swimming fitness isn't any better five years later, but I have the whole pool to myself here in China, so I'm not as worried about how my flailing looks. In a month, if I'm able to stick with it, I'm sure I'll be smoother and my form will be better, and I won't have to stop every thirty seconds to catch my breath.

If I can continue to combine swimming and running workouts on a regular basis, I will be in good shape for surfing. The hardest part is getting out the I must make those first few steps.

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