Friday, February 19, 2010


I've been quite busy here during the Olympics, occasionally working full days at both my jobs, driving and hotelling.

Yesterday was a day where I did both jobs. I had a trip down from Whistler to the airport at 6:20am, and then picked people up at 10:30 and brought them up. I had to work at the hotel at 3, and had to run through the village from where I parked the work truck to the hotel, so I could be on time. It's too much! I'm going to avoid doing that in the future I think.

Once I got to the hotel, I was a bit tired and as a result, was a bit snippy. One thing I have to deal with a lot at the hotel is people complaining about their room location, and it's one of the things I loathe most.

I checked some people in, and here is the exchange we had. It was a really busy time, and there was much hubbub in the area.

Guest: So, what is our room number?
Me: It's XXX, on the 2nd floor.
Guest: Which way does it face?
Me: Pardon, sorry?
Guest: Which - Way - Does - The - Room - Face.
Me: My first language is English.
Guest: *flabergasted*


My co-workers loved it, and for me the guilt has passed.

I guess I can't be going above and beyond, providing great guest experiences, and *insert random hospitality/service industry cliche here* all the time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,
laughed out loud reading this post!