Friday, February 12, 2010

A good driving day turns ugly.

I had a good, long day of driving today. I had been worried about it, but it all turned out well.

I found myself back in Whistler earlier than planned, and decided to stop on the way back to the garage and watch the last bit of the opening ceremonies at Carmella's.

I didn't know the truck was needed again tonight, so took my time eating pizza and talking Olympics.

When I was just about back, I got calls from my boss, my manager, and a coworker, all very upset with me for not bringing the truck back in time and not telling anyone.

My co-worker was mad because the truck wasn't there waiting for him, my manager was mad because it was one more thing he had to deal with, and my boss was very upset because he had a very important client arriving earlier than expected, etc etc.

So I had to eat generous slice after generous slice of that pie that nobody likes, knowing I had made a big mistake.

I will need to be on my game for the rest of the Olys so everyone forgets about it. On a good note, both my clients were loving me today, and one wants to request me for their trip down. If the office finds out I was doing such a great job, maybe they will be faster to forgive me for today's blunder.


Carolyn said...

I hate making mistakes in the workplace, it's the worst feeling ever! But don't worry! Now you'll just never do it again! It's like when I accidentally sent 50,000 spam emails to a client. I'll never forget.

Anonymous said...

Too bad those generous slices of pie weren't yummy peach pie slices from the farmers market.