Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olympic Event!

Here's an email I sent to Er, talking about the biathlon event I went to yesterday.

I'm really enjoying the Olympics, and all the action! I thought it was going to be all hectic, but it's good times.

Here's the email, so I can give you all an idea of what's going on. It's easier to copy and paste, and go see a concert!

Here's the unpolished email:

I liked the moguls coverage, although I didn't hear that comment bc Carmella and I were in a pub that didn't have the announcers turned on. It was a good atmosphere though, with everyone cheering loudly when the canadians were up.

The event was good today, but a bit underwhelming. We got the tickets for free, so it was a last minute thing. It was the women's 7K free biathlon, and there were 80 skiers starting in a staggered fashion, so some were finished before the last ten or so started. There was no drama and no way to know who was winning, other than the scoreboard, which wasn't really helpful anyway. We didn't see any replays on tv later either, so tht was disappointing.

The top 40 women qualify for the pursuit, which I have tickets for. That will be a more fun event, because the girl that got first will leas out of the gate, and then the others follow depending on their time. It'll be easy to follow because the first to cross the line wins.

It was good to go to the event today though, and scope our spots for the next event, and figure out the way the whole thing runs. We had to wait for at least an hour in the rain on the way out, which was unfortunate. They really need to work on their transport strategy for fans exiting the venue.

The vibe in the village was really fun, and it's a different crowd than is normally in town. It's more fun, and a real mixed bag of people.

The event itself didn't really have any sort of olympic feel though, just another race and a lot more flags in the crowd. Lots of foreigners in town too, so that was fun. But if it wasn't for the big set of olympic rings in the back of the shooting range, I wouldn't have known it was any different, so that was interesting.

Time for bed, I have an early day tomorrow. I took some pics (it was foggy and rainy so they're nott he greatest) so ikll hopefully get them up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cory said...


The raw video of the event is available online -- they only inject a few ads, and there are no annoying commentators nor over-the-top patriotism: