Monday, March 1, 2010

Shameless self-plug

At the hotel, when guests leave, they are emailed a comment card that asks them various questions about their stay. Here's a bit from one that came back today:

What one thing would you like to tell other owners who may be interested in staying at this resort?

We stayed at the Cascade Lodge in Whistler, and the young fellow Jon on the desk was very very helpful and I can't say enough about him, it was a true pleasure to meet him and he made the difference in our stay at Whistler during the Olympics. Thank you!

Woo! I'm young!

Also, it's nice to be recognized for doing a good job.

I feel able to post this, since everyone is saying that these recent Olympics enabled Canadians to be proud and vocal about their achievements!

Mostly though, it'll be nice to keep this in mind as I begin another bout of job hunting. It will remind me to go into interviews with confidence, knowing that no matter what the job, I am able to do it well.

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