Thursday, May 14, 2009

A day in my life.

Today is a special day. It's my birthday! Here's a photo essay of how I spent it. Remember, click on the picture to make it bigger, then click 'back' on your browser to return to the blog. Look at all the pictures...some took quite a lot of effort!

I woke up, and checked my blackberry while still in bed. Many birthday greeting await! Heather wins for the first of the day. Heather, you haven't missed one of my birthdays in something like ten years, yet I always forget yours. Thanks for the note!

Mom called while I was still in bed, so I spoke with her for awhile. Then it was time to clamber out of bed and greet the day.

I went straight to the washroom to see if I look any different, now that I'm 28. Nope, still as masculine and muscular as ever. Definitely more mature though!

I decide to go for a run to start the year. It's sunny and I'm ready. I tuck my credit card into my sock for safekeeping. While I hate wearing black socks with running shoes, it's necessary here because my white socks don't go high enough to contain my plastic.

Stretch 'em out!

I ran through Lakeside park. There were a few people there, playing with their dogs. The dogs enjoying swimming. I wouldn't have enjoyed them if they chased me, so I stayed away.

Then I hit the tracks. Don't worry Mom, I was careful to listen and look carefully!

I stopped at the junction of Old Gravel Road and Alta Lake Road. This is a great spot for hill reps. I did five. I started on the gravel road, crossed the paved road, then ran into the woods up a really steep pitch. Whistler is training heaven for many great spots to run. I was running across the valley from Whistler and Blackcomb mountains, so it's less busy, with barely any people around.

On my way home, I stop at the grocery store to use my credit card I had stuffed in my sock earlier. I buy Birthday Cereal!

I also buy True Blue blueberry juice.

Here is my birthday breakfast. I should have bought some fruit but I didn't think about that until later.

When I get home, I do some push-ups in the yard. Must work on my core strength!

I then settle in to read a bit before I go to work. I reading M Scott Peck's "The Road Less Travelled." It's a psychology book, but I hesitate to call it a self-help book. It's quite meaty and takes awhile for me to read, understand, and digest. I read it in small bites.

Here's the chapter I'm on, called "The Healthiness of Depression." Intriguing title if nothing else! HEAVY material!

I pump up my bike's tires before heading off to work for 3pm. They've been a tad low, so my speed should now increase.

I stop into the grocery store again on my way to work, to grab some food. The friendly girl at the cash commented on all my books spilling out as I opened my bag. She said I was the only other person she knew (other than herself) who carried a dictionary around with them all the time! We talked a bit about books and grammar, then I continued on to work.

When I got to work, I realized I forgot my black belt at home somewhere, so would have to wear my white one with my uniform. I couldn't wear it with confidence, but at least this sort of thing is more accepted in Whistler than other places. I must remember my black belt tomorrow!

There's a stereo at work that doesn't have a CD player spot, but a spot to hook up your MP3 player instead. I hook my BB into it and enjoy my own music.

I helped some friendly people with their luggage, and they tipped me! They were loving me because I was having banter with the grandmother who was trying to lug her own suitcase. I told her I was a young(ish) barrel-chested man and she should let me haul it up the stairs instead.

I leave my work clothes and shoes at the desk, since I'll be back there at 7am tomorrow. Finish at 11pm, roll back in for 7. It's worth it though, since I have some good social times planned for tomorrow evening!

My chariot awaits to take me home. I ride home with my lights and my reflective leg bands, and now I'm here writing this.

It was quite a good day. I was very happy with it.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, notes, and calls.

I'm 28!

**I may edit this tomorrow, but I'm tired now and want to go to bed. While I usually comb my work for grammar and spelling errors, I won't even bother today. I'm tired.**


Carolyn said...

Would it have been even more comical if the word "censored" was spelled backwords and therefore correctly for your mirror pic? or was that on purpose. also, at first glance I thought it was a heart rate monitor of nipple covers to prevent chafing on your runs. good times.

Cory said...

Welcome to 28 -- I am 9 days ahead of you!