Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Birthday x2!

So Emily found out yesterday that my birthday was last week, and she wasn't pleased that I didn't mention anything!

The reason I didn't mention anything was because I didn't really want to draw attention to myself. Emily wanted to do something for my birthday though, and quickly went into action.

Without me knowing, she threw together a surprise party for me! I was snowboarding with Carmella all day, and they both plotted together throughout the day and were able to make it happen without me knowing. Carmella was successful in getting me to the house on time and making me stay here, and Emily was successful in making a fantastic dinner and rounding up some of my friends.

It was pretty fantastic. There ended up being six of us, and we had a great dinner that Emily made, and we finished it off with a lively and spirited game of 6-person Settlers. Really, there was nothing I'd rather do on my birthday!

In addition to Emily, Derek, and Carmella, my friends Louise and Renae were able to come. The times were good, and I'm very fortunate to have such good housemates and friends.

I'll post a picture tomorrow once I get it from Derek's camera.

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