Friday, July 24, 2009

The Dentist

I went to the dentist yesterday.

It had been quite awhile. I remember the last time I went I was in early high school. I had an appointment at about 3:30, when I'd be home from a day at SCSS.

I was in time for this appointment, at the offices of Dr. Drake and Dr. Drake, twin dental sadists. I was in for a regular check-up and cleaning I presume.

Mom was at home, and looked at the clock at about six in the evening, and began to worry about where I might be, since I'd been gone a long time. She decided to drive to the dentist's office and see when I left.

When she got there, she found me still in the dentist's chair, with tears streaming down my face as Dr. Drake (who knows which one he was)hacked about in my mouth. It was painful and terrible.

I have avoided the dentist ever since, and have put off going there for too long.

Carmella's friend Tony, who I've met before, is a dentist. When she found out I'd been avoiding dental work for such a long time, Carmella sprung into action. I have dental coverage from work, so it would be a good time to go. Left up to my own devices though, I would find an excuse to not make the appointment, further prolonging my appearance in a dentist's chair. Carmella took it upon herself to make an appointment for me, and got me squeezed in with very little notice by calling Tony's personal phone and getting the job done.

Yesterday we drove down to the city, and I entered my first dentist's office in many many years. I was scared.

Dr. Kwong (I call him Dr Kwong in his office, and Tony in social situations) was really good. There are x ray machines all over the place, and my mouth was radiated twice. Dr. Kwong used these rays, in addition to that little pic and mirror on a stick, to study my teeth and see what was up. I was in for a basic check-up and cleaning.

Turns out I'm still cavity free! Unfortunately, I'm not wisdom-tooth free. I have three of them, two of them major. The Wisdoms are not impacted though, so that's positive. They're also not infected, so that's a bonus. They are present though, and big enough to be squishing and cramping my other teeth. These extra molars have to go.

I will make another appointment with Dr. Kwong in the coming weeks to get my three extra teeth separated from my mandible. It'll be pretty intense, but based on my dental experience yesterday, it won't be as bad as the same job performed by one of the Drake team. There will be some anesthetic involved, which will improve the experience.

I'm pretty relieved, now that I've been to the dentist. I was nervous about what he'd find in there, and was happy it was only a few extra teeth, and evidence of a less than stellar flossing career. I was also happy with Dr. Kwong's skill and personality behind the mask.

I have a good dentist now, and while my 100% dental benefits from work are still active, I will make good use of him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You make the most routine things in life sound interesting!
Its time to start thinking about writing a book... ;)
