Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Work prospects

I spoke recently with the owner of the company I plan to work for, and also with the head of their Whistler-based operations.

There are lots of contracts lined up, and the Christmas season is looking packed, as is the rest of the winter. Because I'm based in Whistler, I'll have lots of oppurtunity to drive, likely more than the Vancouver-based drivers.

If I want to be a workhorse this season (I do...the last day I worked was on July 4th in China. That's five, count them, FIVE months I haven't worked!) there will be the oppurtunity to drive a lot.

I could drive two Whister return trips in a day, and the work is there and available. I will take as many shifts as I can, hunker down, and work for the season. It will be good, and I'm looking forward to it.

The company as decided to do away with the commission/percentage-based pay scale, and is going back to paying by the hour. That's great for me. I've heard some numbers thrown around, and the amount I could make in a month of hard work is very attractive. I'll be able to take care of various financial responsibilities, as well as possibly buy a computer, in a few months.

So, even in the economic downturn, I have found myself in a job where I can work a lot and be financially secure. Just as long as I pass my driving test first!

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