Saturday, November 8, 2008

Library Deception II

I've had a lot of fun thinking about my trickery and fraudulent activities at the library, and had planned on keeping the details to myself and my faithful readers.

This morning though, I just couldn't keep it in. I was at a pancake breakfast for Jack, a friend who's running for council. The purpose of this breakfast was to give the public a chance to meet Jack and talk municipal politics. Dennis picked me up, and we arrived when things were in full swing.

We sat at a table populated by people we knew, so the conversation was lively. My friend Renae brought up the library, so I began to explain my rather exciting covert operations there.

When I finished the story, I'm pretty sure I heard crickets chirping and I definitely saw a prairie ball rolling by the table.

After a few long seconds of silence, the conversation turned to my boring and humdrum library activities, and then into who wanted to canvass door-to-door with Jack later? I answered that because I'm a bit burned out of canvassing, I wasn't interested. Renae countered with "Well, hanging out at the library all day, or canvassing. Tough choice..."

So, maybe I'll make another foray into politics, but I'm holding out at the moment because Project Library is meeting with so much success! Today, less than twenty-four hours after my initial three selections were shelved, they've all been borrowed!

I had to replenish the shelf, and I did so with John Irving's The World According to Garp (Owen Meany wasn't available), Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, The Englishman's Boy by Guy Vanderhaeghe, and The Wildfire Season by Stratford's own Andrew Pyper.

I think I need to lay low for awhile, and wait until any potential heat cools off before I spike the shelves again. It will give me some time to think of, and possibly read, new titles worthy of my risk.

With great power comes great responsibility! The people of Whistler will read what I slyly shelve, so it must be good!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Haha! I hate when crickets chirp after one of my stories...I still promote your deception though! Please find Shadow of the Wind next!