Thursday, November 13, 2008

Projection e-mail

Kevin is my housemate. He has lots of things in the house, and I barely have anything. Kevin's been in Whistler for sixteen years or so, and has had lots of time to collect things for the house.

The house came with pots pans, knives, forks, dishes, and all that kind of stuff...Kevin didn't bring those. But Kevin did bring some really fun and interesting things, including
  • a dartboard and extra darts
  • a professional grade juicer
  • a dog
  • a laptop
  • a coffee maker
  • a home theatre system, including speakers and projector
Kevin lets me use everything. The projector is a really good Sony one, and Kevin was happy to tell me that his projector is better than one showing Canuck games in one of the local pubs.

The projector sits on a stack of empty Rubbermaid storage bins, because we don't have a wall unit yet. The projector is hooked up to this computer, the DVD player, and a PS2 video game console. Why would you hook a projector up to a computer?

So I can check my email on the wall, looking at webpages that are almost nine feet long and six feet wide! No similarities to a downy chick unfortunately.

We have a wireless mouse, which makes it easy to lounge on the couch while doing internet things.

There are some downsides to the projector though. The picture isn't back-lit so it doesn't look that great in the day, and the lightbulb in the projector costs $500 so when it blows, you're suddenly broke.

Kevin is a really friendly guy, so even if he didn't bring all these useful things into the house, he'd still be a good housemate. But since he does supply these things, it makes him even better!


Carolyn said...

I guess I just scanned this entry the first time, and missed the John Denver reference. But on my second reading, I am giving you mad props!

Anonymous said...

awesome! sounds like things are great jonster!