Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My thoughts on Bali

My Bali trip with Kir is coming up in less than two weeks. Carol mentioned again that she is really disappointed that she's not able to come, and that got me thinking about how I feel about the trip.

While I should be really excited, I find I am not. I know it's a once in a lifetime experience, but at the moment I'm not giving the trip the excitement it deserves. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not counting down the days or anything like that.

There are a few reasons for my muted anticipation. First of all, I've grown weary of Asia and I'm longing to finish this chapter of my life. Secondly, I'm anxious about getting set up in Canada once I get back. I'm apprehensive about looking for work and digging up a place to live. I want to get those things sorted out as soon as possible.

I know that when you look to the future too much, you forget to enjoy the present. I understand that since I'm only in China for two more weeks, I should try to enjoy it. I also recognize that I might never be in Bali again, so I need to make sure I savour my time there, and not fret the whole trip away.

I need to enjoy my last two weeks in China. I need to enjoy Bail. I need to not worry so much about what will happen when I return to Canada.

It's pretty hard though.


Anonymous said...

Hey there Jon!

Im happy you are coming back to Canada but sad that you are leaving China unless you continue to write blogs... then I won't be so sad.


Carolyn said...

Jonnie you have to look forward to Bali with all your heart because I am not there to do that!!
Everything will work out in Canada, it's way easier to figure stuff out in this country!! Don't worry! Chin up! Don't worry about appreciating two more weeks in China, you won't miss it. But do look foward to SURFING IN PARADISE!!!