Monday, June 16, 2008

My Province Is Flooding

It's rained every day for the past month, and it looks to be too much for my province of Guangdong to handle.

Click here for CBC article.

Joe has told me that it rains like this every year, so the rain we're seeing isn't uncommon.

So far, I have not been affected. I live near the mountains, so the rain just runs away from my neighbourhood.

While I was downtown yesterday though, stores were sandbagging their doorways to keep the water out. The expressions on those sandbagging were not apprehensive or worried...they looked like this was something they do every day this time of year. The roads in the area were covered in three to four inches of water, but cars were still able to drive on them.

China is sure getting the short end of the environmental stick these days. The snowstorms in January, the earthquake in May, and now this flooding in June.

I'll keep my camera ready in case things get interesting. I read that Donguan, a city about 100km southwest of here, has submerged minivans on its streets.

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