Thursday, June 19, 2008

Holland vs Russia: Where to Watch?

I'm trying to decide where to watch the Holland-Russia quarter final on Saturday night. It will start at 2:45am on Sunday morning, so I'm happy it's on a weekend.

I have found bars downtown that will broadcast the game, but I still don't know if they do that in English or Chinese. I will be more inclided to make the trip if English announcers are piped through the bar.

It'll be a big production, getting myself downtown and home in the wee hours of the morning. It's hard enough to keep myself awake to watch these games, so I figure it will be very tough to get myself awake, into a cab, and downtown in the middle of the night.

But the experience could be fun, watching the game in China with other Holland or Russia fans. I just wonder if it'll be worth the effort!

Tomorrow I will visit the bar and ask if the game is broadcast in English or Chinese. If it's Chinese, there's no way I'll make the trip on Saturday night, since I can watch the Chinese game in my own room. If it's in English, it will make the trip worthwhile, since I haven't watched a Euro2008 match in English yet.

I took a nap after school today, to ready myself for tonight's Portugal - Germany game. I have report cards to do, so that will fill the time before the game starts.

The big effort in doing these reports is the Comments section. Jill has to translate everything I write into Chinese, so she's asked that I keep it to two or three lines. With that in mind, these reports shouldn't take long. Last symester I wrote multiple paragraphs for each student, and Jill was translating for a week!

I couldn't sleep last night, so I ended up watching half of the Russia - Sweden match. It sure is a pleasure to watch quality football, and would be even better to hear English commentary.

We'll see where I end up watching Saturday night's game. My Saturday is looking pretty full right now though, so I might end up watching it wherever requires the least amount of effort. In addition to watching the match, I need to go to Hong Kong to take care of finances, and have also committed to eat pizza with Dr. Rong that night.

Whatever the case, Hup Holland!

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