Sunday, October 24, 2010

We're Engaged!

Yesterday was an exciting day because Carmella and I got engaged!  Here are some quick pictures to share while things are still fresh.

We made a nice picnic, and brought it to a nice natural beach.  We found a log, and set out our things.  We had root beer, a thermos of hot chocolate, and some great sandwiches.  We made them brimming with roasted chicken and other toppings.

After I began to eat, I told Carmella I wanted to transfer some of my ingredients to a spare bun I happened to have with me.  Since my hands were full, could she tear open the bun for me?

She began to open up the bun, and was confused why I had an extra bun with me.  Then she noticed that the bun had a big hole in it, and wondered why I'd bought a faulty bun.

Then, she said "There's something in here..." and then pulled out the ring in its jewelery box.  

Here, Carmella re-enacts the moment:

The ring is small, and fits very well on Carmella's small finger.  The diamond is a Canadian one, which was important to us.

We had been pretty open with each other about our plans, but Carmella didn't know when I would ask her, and didn't know when I had bought the ring. Apparently she'd been expecting the question at almost every fun date we've been on for the last eight months! The walk on the Sea Wall, the dinner at Modern Burger, the time we jogged around the block...all were cause for Carmella to wonder if she'd be given a new piece of jewelery. But no! I kept her guessing, and eventually hid it in a bun!

It was a fun afternoon, and we stayed at the beach for a few hours.  Since then, there have been lots of phone calls to make, stories to tell, plans to think about, and congratulations to accept.

I have some more material to post, but I'll do that in the next few days.

And we don't know when or where it will be yet, and we're not even sure what the ceremony will be like.

Thanks for the kind wishes everyone!


Carolyn said...

Congratulations again, Jonnie and Carmella! I just got emotional reading your post and looking at the photos!!!

Kir said...

I'm so excited guys! Let us know if you need any ideas for WP, as we have recent experience. Peter in particular has good expertise with food and drink planning & portioning (i.e. how much cake for 20 guests, etc.). Love Kir