Friday, October 8, 2010

My dirty laundry is out to dry.

I'm struggling in my new living situation, and I wonder if writing about it will help me think it through.

I'm living in a three bedroom suite, on the top floor of a house.  In addition to me, there is a 30-something woman living here, and a 20-something grad student.

The girl has been living here for five years, and she takes care of the bills.  She's not the owner of the house though, as we all pay rent to the landlady who lives next door.

Joe is the grad student.  He's originally from Calgary, and is very friendly.  He's in microbiology.

The girl is very passionate about turning the lights off in the house, which is an environmentally sound and economically smart hobby to have.  I've had her scold me a few times for leaving the lights on in rooms I wasn't currently in, which I wasn't so happy about. She has done the same to Joe.

Today, we both received the following text:

"I have to say that I'm not used to people being home all the time with gf's included.  Used to be a much quieter place.  Not so much anymore."


"Tonight if you don't mind."

Joe's girlfriend was here for five days or so at the beginning of the month.  Carmella has been over for dinner three or four times now.  We're all quiet types; Joe played Ticket to Ride with us last night.  We make dinner, play games, and have conversations.  There is never music involved, never yelling, never any heated disagreements.  Nobody throws plates against the walls. Carmella has also enjoyed the house for studying.

When I was speaking to the girl about moving in, she said she'd be happy to have Carmella over to visit, and seemed to promote a healthy, happy living environment.  I do not feel that way anymore.  I found myself leaving the house today and not wanting to return.  Carmella isn't as interested in coming over anymore.

I'm wondering if I should start looking for a new place, and have a tough discussion with the girl about what her expectations are for her roomates.  Are we supposed to avoid the house because she doesn't like it when people are home?  Or is she just crabby because she's got an exam coming up or something?

It's fairly frustrating.  At least I didn't sign a lease.

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