Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's see if I can blog more!

Alright, I'm going to try and encourage myself to keep up on this blog.  I'll start by introducing my new design!

The background is a picture I took in New York, on the top of the MET.  It is a large aluminum sculpture, and it reminds me of a tree.

This weekend is Thanksgiving, and happily I get the Monday off.  Carmella and I will go to her mom's house in Maple Ridge. Before that though, we're going to visit the Body Worlds exhibit at Science World.  And maybe before that, I'm going to try and by myself a new bed.

I bought a bed, but it's terrible.  Being my thrifty self, I purchased a used one from a used furniture store in Burnaby.  It's creaky, and is so old that the box spring actually has a spring system in it.

Vancouver is struggling with a bedbug epidemic, so you can't give away a used mattress here, but for some reason I decided to pay money for one.  I'll minimize my losses and buy a new bed in a few days.

Today, I woke up feeling sore.  My back hurts, and my sleep wasn't deep because whenever I moved around, the box spring creaked and woke me up.  Very unfortunate!

This weekend, I'll also renew my vehicle insurance.  I may save some money because I won't be using the car to go to work, and will just use it for leisure.  I will likely have to pass an emissions test though, so I'll have some preparations to do for that.

I hope to have many pictures to share in the next few days, as I've got lots of things to document.  Visit often, because I aim to keep this blog humming along again.

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