Thursday, May 13, 2010

Uncle John and Marlene come to visit!

Today as I was busy slaving away at the front desk, I saw two familiar faces approach. Uncle John and Marlene!

It was a surprise visit, and I had a very good, lengthy chat with them. As luck would have it, I was shirking the Standard Operating Procedures of my workplace and had taken my computer in and was speaking with Carol on Skype when they arrived. I put my machine on the counter, and we had a little impromptu family reunion. Good times!

Uncle John and Marlene are on two weeks of holidays. They stayed with Neil in Alberta for a few days, and then travelled to Vancouver, where they are going to stay with some of Marlene's family. Today they decided to come up to Whistler for the afternoon, and that's how they happened upon my fair place of employment.

It's the shoulder season here in Whistler, so I'm not very busy at my desk. We weren't inturrupted at all during our conversation, save for some of my coworkers leaving and coming.

It was really enjoyable, and I'm glad they stopped by. It was made extra fun with Carol on Skype. We all agreed to meet again at Kirsten's wedding in July.

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