Saturday, May 22, 2010

Identifying yourself through your kids.

I'm working, and there's a guest who needs to say, every time he talks to me, that he has kids.

"Can I have a couple maps? The Boys will need them to plan the route, and will each want their own."

"Is this open today? The Boys probably won't be sitting still much today."

"I woke up early this morning because I have kids, and found that there's glass outside the door across the hall."

"How long will it take to get from there to here? The Boys and I are planning to walk."

I think he's either feeling really burdened by entertaining his kids all day long, or he just wants everyone to know that he has kids. Maybe someone in his youth told him he'd be a lousy father and should never have kids, and he's been trying to rebuke that person every day for 5 years now. Who knows.


Carolyn said...

No. It's just that when you have kids, your own identity is finished. Ha ha.

kir said...

maybe he just went through a custody battle so he's really excited to have access and visits again. is his wife/their mother there? if no, that's my guess. btw, dad and i did our duathlon yesterday, and i was really happy with my times. it was exciting to see dad conquer it too, and finish strong.