Saturday, May 3, 2008


So, Carol asked the school paper pushers if I would be able to have the day off on Monday to bring her to the airport in Hong Kong. It's been a few days, and we haven't heard from them yet. Possibly they have forgotten to give me the go-ahead, or perhaps communication has broken down and they think I have been told I can go. Or, maybe they don't want me to go, as it's important for the children to get all in hallowed English instruction possible.

Whatever the reason, I'm going to bring Carolyn to the Hong Kong airport tomorrow. We'll be leaving before the school's open, so maybe it will be a surprise when I don't show up to teach.

So yea. I'm taking a day off tomorrow whether they like it or not!

Stick it to The Man!

edit: Looks like I don't get to stick it to The Man after all. They had decided to let me go, but I guess everyone forgot to tell me.

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