Saturday, April 19, 2008


I'm pretty sure that the mosquitos here in Guangzhou are worse than anything I experienced in Cochrane or even Winnipeg. Mind you, I was in Winnipeg in the dead of winter and it was at least -20C for a solid six weeks. I guess the mosquitos hadn't had a chance to grow as big as bats yet.

I'm sitting here in the school office, and I've killed about 20 of them so far. They keep trying to bite me, and I keep trying to kill them. Some I kill by squashing them with my foot, and that leaves a big streak of someone else's blood on the white faux-tile floor. I think I'll leave it there, along with the twenty or so other dead mosquitos, as an incentive for their friends to make me a no-fly zone.

I seem to remember Erik saying that when he was tree planting he'd swat the mosquitoes on his face and leave the carcass there as a warning for other mosquitos, telling them that he meant business. I wonder if this method had proven success, because even though I'm surrounded by dead mosquitos and streaks of blood, I'm still getting bitten.

They sell mosquito nets at the grocery store here, so I might buy one. They're not your conventional mosquito net though...they're little dome tents made out of really fine mesh, complete with zippered access doors. On your mattress, you set it up like a normal tent, with those collapsible poles, and then you put all your bedding inside. It'd be like camping every night!

I'm tired and am off to bed. Maybe the mosquitos will have turned in for the night as well. If I am bitten, I'll just be thankful my bed doesn't have bedbugs. Yet.

1 comment:

Jazzy said...

Woohoo, go Winnipeg! And I'm pretty sure it was at least minus 30 or 40 when you were here, no?