Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mosquito revenge

I had a terrible sleep last night. I awoke feeling almost more tired than when I went to sleep! When I put on my socks this morning, I noticed I have a bevy of bites on my feet...quite a few more on my left foot than on my right.

The mosquitos have taken revenge for their brothers that I killed the night before. I turn on the air-conditioning in my room, and then nestle under all my blankets in the hope they'll protect me from mosquito wrath. Last night, that was not the case. The blankets did an OK job, but my foot must have popped out. The mosquitos saw the opportunity and laid waste to my vulnerable left foot.

I think my sleep was so bad because I was being bitten all through the night. I don't remember being bitten at all, but I was probably waking up every time it happened. I counted about sixty bites on my left foot alone, so that means I might have woken up sixty times last night. Goodness. I need a nap.

My mattress also contributed to my poor's like sleeping on a giant tennis racquet. It's about as soft, but instead of strings, I feel the mattress' springs digging into my back and shoulders. It's pretty much the worst bed ever.

I'm going for a nap in my terrible bed now. I'm only half looking forward to it, since it could turn out to be as bad as last night's Let's All Bite Jon! mosquito festival.

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