Tuesday, April 15, 2008

HK Race III: Results

The results are in from Sunday's race.

I finished in 1:33:18, 28th overall and 7th in my age category. There were 228 finishers, 45 in my category.

It is still a respectable result, but I know I could have done much better. The results had split times, so I could see how many spaces I lost in the last 4K of rock scrambling. I went into that section in 13th position, and finished the race in 28th. Looks like I got owned by the coastline and river gorge! I got passed a few times before the rock scrambling section as well, which means for a good chunk of the race I was running in a top ten position. No wonder I found myself hurting!

Next race I'll be ready to go. So will everyone else though, so the competition will be tough! My ankle's feeling a bit better, so today I will go on a short jog to test it out.

I must be in top form for the last race of the series!

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