Thursday, October 25, 2012

The best pumpkin carving ever!

Last night, Carmella went over to Cindy's house, and had a pumpkin carving party.  There were about ten people there, but I wasn't in the mood for being social, so I stayed  home.

Carmella made the best pumpkin ever.  Here it is, guess what it is!

Here it is in the light.  Unfortunately you can't see the dots on the bottom in the night picture.  Any guesses yet?

It's me!  Carmella carved my likeness into the large gourd.  The tell-tale features are my ever present stubble (I dislike shaving), my glasses, my large nose, and a piece of curly hair that often drops onto my forehead.

Best wife ever!  Carmella and her friends decided it wasn't creepy because we're married.  But it would definitely be unfortunate if she carved that after admiring me from afar, or especially a first or second date. 

I better make sure not to let this pumpkin grow soggy and saggy, and I must also ensure that it doesn't get smashed on the road!

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