Thursday, October 25, 2012

A tribute to daylight at 6pm.

The days are getting shorter every day.  And next week, when we turn our clocks back, it'll be pitch black by 4pm.  This is the worst time of the year! The days are short, and the sunlight we would usually get is blocked by low hanging clouds, and dampened by ever-present drizzle. 

But!  A few weeks ago it was still light at 6pm.  I found myself in Stanley Park, and decided to hunt down this:

This is in Stanley Park, and is an abandoned polar bear tank.  They used to have a zoo there, and these polar bears were on display in the middle of the rain forest.  For whatever reason, nobody has done anything with the site since the bear left 20 years ago.  Now, runners run by it every day, there's a par-3 golf course a few yards away, and teenagers probably come here and smoke weed on Friday nights.

I was on a mission to find this, because I heard it existed, but didn't quite believe that Stanley Park ever had polar bears.  And that their display habitat would still be there.

After completing my mission, I went to the beach to catch the 6pm sun I mentioned above.  It was quite nice.  It was a weekday, so the beach was quite empty.  It was also a bit chilly, so there weren't many people out and about.

Surprisingly though, there were two different wedding parties taking advantage of the ocean and quickly disappearing sun.  There's a group tending to a bride in the foreground, and another group, tending to their bride, in the background.  On a weekday even!

Next week, when it's 4pm and dark outside, I'll look at the sunset picture and tell myself that the days will soon start getting longer.  And that's very positive!

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