Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The limelight may fade, but it never disappears!

We're back again!  8 years after the first round...

The Globe and Mail, Dec 28th 2011

The photo they're using is from a shoot they did, probably in September 2003.  A different shot made the paper back then, one of us leaving the front door.  The accompanying article was about crippling student debt facing students, and used us as examples.  (For what it's worth, I've paid off my bank student loans in the meantime!)

I think Erik was the contact, when he was working in Toronto.  The Globe and Mail sent a photographer to our house in Stratford, and we did a few shots of us packing, and a few of us leaving through the front door.

They probably searched their photo database for "university students" and for whatever reason chose us, again!

I've been away from fame for awhile now, so it's nice to taste it yet again!

Hat-tip to Kim for finding the picture!


Carolyn said...

I forgot to comment on how epic this is!! I can't believe how much I looked like a lesbian. Ha ha!

jvd said...

Carol, a simple haircut does not a lesbian make.

But if it did...