Thursday, December 1, 2011

Carmella is enjoying Dec 1st!

Here's why!

 You'll notice I've got a bit of stray shaving cream clinging to my face, but that's alright.  I washed it off afterwards.

Movember was fun.  I never trimmed my manly mustache, so it looked like a hunk of whole-wheat Shredded Wheat by the end.

Our team at work raised just over $3000, which is pretty impressive.  Click here for a link to the world-wide Movember fundraising totals.  Canada has raised the most!  Apparently a lot of hockey players participated, giving the movement (is it really a movement?  Maybe.  But the Olympics are definitely not a movement.  In Whistler, I was always hearing about the Olympic Movement.) lots of exposure.

The worldwide total for Movember money raised is more than $100 Million!  I didn't know I was involved in such a large event.

Thanks everyone for your donations!  If you're still looking to get into the action, you can donate by clicking HERE

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

You look like a young Uncle Finn!!