Sunday, December 26, 2010


Carmella and I shared a wonderful Christmas this year, and a lot of it had to do with the generosity and love we felt from our families.

Everyone back in Ontario got presents together before Mom and Dad left for Australia in November, and we received a hockey bag full of the wrapped gifts before December even started!

Once December 15th rolled around, we opened the hockey bag and put the presents under the tree.  Here's Carmella with our natural tree, with Nisse!

And look at all the gifts we received!  We felt so happy to have them all, as we felt loved and appreciated (I know, I know, Carol said the same thing about her presents she was brought in Australia!) even though we're in a different province.

There were so many things we received that we can't list them all, but you can see in the picture everything that fit into the hockey bag!

In the picture you'll be able to make out a tent from Mom (wooo!  Carmella was really excited, as she's never had a tent before and always had to borrow them), a shirt from Kir to me, a Finnish shirt from Mom to Carmella, a sunflower calendar, a collection of exquisite teas from Minke to Carmella, a Risk Management world map (rating both security and political risk across the world from Erik), a number of gift cards, two beautiful decorative balls from Kirsten and Peter, loads of druppies and peppermints, bookmarks, an Olympic book from Mom, and Christmas ornaments.

Carmella and I were both very happy to receive a gift from Mom and Dad that was a donation to Haiti in our names, represented by the postcard in the middle of couch.

Not pictured is the wonderful pizza cutter that Carolyn sent from Australia with Mom and Dad. It got confiscated at the airport.  Apparently it was a really good one, and has no doubt been re-gifted by the airport staff, and is in the hands of a (hopefully) grateful punter who has been tired of ripping their pizza apart more than we were.  I bet those airport security check staff don't ever buy things they want, they just confiscate the items they're looking for then take them home!

Thanks everyone for being so thoughtful and generous!  Carmella mentioned during our present opening that she's enjoying the thought of having another family who cares for her, and she loved getting presents from everyone even though we're not married yet!

Today was Christmas, and Carmella made cookies in the morning, and then in the afternoon we went to Maple Ridge and had a wonderful meal with Carmella's mom and brother.  As always, we were treated to a great turkey, lots of mashed potatoes, Finnish casseroles, lox, squash, and many other things!

We then had a rousing game of Settlers that everyone enjoyed (especially me, as I was victorious, winning 10-9-7-7) because we all built a lot of cities and the Longest Road card was traded around a lot.  Everyone had good numbers and the opportunity to build, and we were all competitive in the game.

It was a great Christmas, and Carmella and I are so thankful to our families for their generosity and love!

Merry Christmas everyone, and thanks again for all the wonderful gifts!

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