Monday, December 20, 2010

Awkward Bus Ride!

So I'm going home on the bus, and there was a girl w blonde hair sitting alone. There were three of us on the bus.

The other passenger, a random guy sitting beside me at the back of the bus, suddenly stood up, went over to her, and started an awkward conversation.

"Hi! Are you a UBC student?"
"No, I'm in my last year of highschool..."

I thought the guy was working for a survey company or something, polling UBC students about transit or Christmas spending. I looked for a clipboard that he might be using to record responses, but didn't see one.

They continued on for about three minutes, talking about stuff like they were on a first date. He chatted about the sports teams he played for, and said he had "fond memories" of that and that high school when he attended there.

Then, expectedly, the girl suddenly stood up, said it was her stop, and got off the bus.

I guess I have to give the guy marks for having the courage to go up and talk to her, but I think he needs to work on his delivery! I was grimacing to myself at the awkwardness of the situation he created, and I bet the girl didn't find it any more comfortable.

She handled it politely, so that was good.

I just got off the bus and the situation is over. I bet the girl is now on a different bus, and the guy is wondering how another one got away.

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