Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Biking to work

I've begun riding my bike to work again, and I'm happy about that.

It's taken me awhile to get my 98 Schwinn Moab back in commutable condition, but I finally finished the job yesterday.  I needed a new drivetrain (front chainrings, chain, rear cassette/sprocket) and a new front derailleur, and it was a challenge to find the low-end parts I wanted in this town of high-end rides and wallets. 

My commuter was the third bike that I've shaped into rideable condition this summer; I got my downhill bike ready to go so I could lend it to a friend, and I got Celeste primed and ready as my own trail bike.  All the bikes needed attention, and it's a burden that's now lifted to have them all somewhat rideable again.

I rode into work this morning, from Emerald to Creekside.  According to google maps, it's about a 13K ride.  I'm feeling out of shape, but that's OK.  I hope to cultivate a set of iron lungs before the summer's over!  I left my house at 6:15am, and arrived at work at 6:45am.  I had hoped to have enough time for a shower, but that didn't happen so I settled for a shave.  I'll leave earlier tomorrow.

I feel like I still haven't woken up though.  I was hoping to feel invigorated and fresh when I got to work, but instead I feel tired and it takes me longer to do everything.  I look at all my keys and can't remember which one I need to open the front door; I stare at a blank sheet of paper fresh out of the copier, taking longer than normal to realize what I want is printed on the back.

It feels good though, and I'll make it habit to ride into work.  I'll use my car for sundry trips in the evenings.

1 comment:

Kir said...

Nice work Jon. After a poor showing at my last race, I'm committed to riding more as well. Hugs to you are CVARJ!