Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gas prices rising drastically!

I'm working at the hotel tonight, and have been very busy.  Families are arriving for their summer vacations, single people are coming to check out our little town, and couples come to enjoy eachother's company.

Once such couple arrived from California, and recently came to me to get their keys.  I noted that the girl had a newish-looking wedding ring on, and they were both fairly young.

As usual, they had some questions about Canada, including gas prices.  They said they saw a sign that said gas cost $1.18/L.  I told them that the conversion was about 3.75 litres to a gallon. 

The girl then asked me, "So, it's one hundred and eighteen dollars a litre?"

Hmmm.  I'll throw her a bone here and blame this comment on newlywed euphoria, where presumably common sense is absent.

I think they'll need one of these while they're here.

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