Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Carmella's Art

Carmella has set up a blog to show her art! You can find it here. Remember to bookmark it!

It's a pretty exciting month for Carmella. She's been accepted into Whistler's annual Art Walk, a showcase of Whistler's artists. Different artist's art is displayed at various Whistler businesses, and people take self-directed tours of all the various venues. The art will stay there for the summer.

Carmella's venue is at the North Shore Credit Union. She has official looking painting tags, and a good bio too. She had to order them ahead of time, and they're all printed out on official Art Walk paper.

It's very exciting! We'll post pictures of what they look like later.

Congratulations on the Art Walk!

My favourite blog post of Carmella's is this one. It's got an anteater in it.

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