Wednesday, March 18, 2009

April Fool's Half Marathon?

I'm considering running this half marathon. It's less than three weeks away. A Half is 21.1km in length.

I'm wondering if I should do it. I'm not adequately trained yet, but can definitely get some solid runs under my shoes in the next eighteen days.

I know I won't be super fast, but it will be a positive step toward my long term running goal. Plus, running it will remind me of my Hong Kong races, where I ran on average for 1:15:00 every race.

So, I'll consider this race for a while. It's on the Sunshine Coast, which is a ferry ride away from the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal, which is accessible from Whistler.

In these days of few work shifts, training might be something to keep me busy and motivated, and also keep my worrying in check.

I'll see how I feel about it tomorrow.

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