Saturday, February 7, 2009

What to write about?

Now that I've bedded into my driving job and my life in Whistler, my daily grind doesn't seem interesting enough to blog. I'm also lacking inspiration and the creative juices aren't flowing.

Inspiration is wonderful when it happens, but the writer must develop an approach for the rest of the time... The wait is simply too long.

That little nugget comes to us from Leonard Bernstein. Who is he? I asked the same, although I had heard his name thrown around. Let's find out.

Turns out he is most notable as a composer and conductor of music. He did the score for West Side Story.

So, what will my approach be, for this, "the rest of the time"? I'm going to throw it out there. I'm interested in writing about anything, and I wonder if there is anything that you, my loyal readers, can recommend I try my hand at?

Topics could be things like "What is your opinion on the Leakey family and their place in paleontology?" or "Should Paranthropus aethiopicus be classified in genus Australopithicus?" Other, less anthropological topics could be discussed as well.

You may wish to hear my thoughts on Hunter S. Thompson, or you might be wondering what I think about leaving dirty pots and pans in the sink. There may also be a few of you who wonder if the hype surrounding Windows 7 is genuine, or if it's a case of successful viral marketing.

I'm for trying to write anything ...opinion pieces, short research-type essays, a political treatise. Let me know your favourite format!

I'm in a rut. I've been watching too many internet videos and have been overly interested in the Canucks. I'm not reading enough, and haven't written anything lately that I've been proud of.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's something to write about.

Why do we critize the 60yr old woman who gives birth to twins but congratulate a man who fathers a child at 60 (ie. Paul McCartney)??
