I'm really tired!
Yesterday I worked a double, meaning I would make two Whistler-Vancouver trips. I don't mind doing it, as driving is not too tough.
My last flight of the day was supposed to come in at 9:30pm, and with luck I'd be back home before midnight. My first drive the next day (today) was scheduled to leave at 6:00am, meaning I could have just enough sleep to get through the day.
Turns out yesterday's flight was delayed one hour and fifteen minutes, and I didn't leave Vancouver until midnight. I finally got home to my bed at 2:30am. I set my alarm for 5:00am the next morning, giving me enough time to shave and get the truck ready for another trip.
I began dreaming about not waking up, and in my dream I was wondering what time it was. I woke up to check, and I couldn't find my alarm! I found it with me in bed, covered in blankets. It was 5:45! I was supposed to be waiting outside the hotel, not covered in my warm blankets! I must have turned it off in my sleep, and hid it away so it would stop bothering me.
I tossed some water into my hair, grabbed a slice of gum, and ran to the truck, which I had luckily brought home with me. I made it to the hotel for 6:00am, and the guests weren't looking for me or anything, and were just in the process of checking out when I arrived.
I drove them to the airport, and got there safely.
Er called me and we chatted for a bit, and he recommended I get a few hours sleep before my next pickup which would happen at noon, in about three hours. Before I nodded off, I figured I'd confirm the details of that next pickup.
When I spoke with dispatch, they were hoping that I could drive back down to the base and take my boss to North Van to the mechanic's garage. I would also have to buy a booster seat because I needed one and there were none left at base.
Before I took off to pick up my boss, I stopped at Safeway (like Zehrs) and picked up a travel size shaving cream, a pack of pink disposable razors (they were cheaper than the blue ones) and a set of four kitchen mess cleaner-uppers ($1.25!). I then sat in the parking lot and shaved, since I obviously hadn't had time in the morning. Since I would be driving my boss around, I had to look responsible, not frousty.
I doused the razor with water from one of the bottles we give to guests, and wiped the blade with the kitchen catchers while sitting in the truck, using the mirror to see what I was doing.
I went through three blades, because they were getting clogged with hair and I couldn't get a good enough shave, and I didn't want to deal with wrath from my boss.
I got to the base and he wasn't there. I couldn't afford to wait around, so I cleaned the truck then set out to find a baby seat to buy, which I did. I then rushed to the airport for my last pickup of the day.
I was getting close to Whistler, looking forward to parking the truck and sleeping until tomorrow. It was going to be glorious! Then, the office called me and said I had a restaurant transfer to do, at 6:00pm. ARRRUUUGGGGHHHH! That means I can't sleep, but must drive people from the hotel to the restaurant, wait around, then drive them back. All I want to do is sleep! Who knows when they'll be finished! I'm on just over three hours of sleep, and I've been driving for two days straight!
So, it's 5:30 right now and I have to pick them up soon. I've just prepared some food, which I'll eat quickly, then go off and drive some more. They have kids, so hopefully they won't spend five hours eating, which would mean five hours of waiting for me!
Yawn! Oh well, smoke 'em while you got 'em, as they say.
edit: It did turn out to be five hours! It's midnight now, and I'm finally done for the day. Back at it tomorrow morning though. It'll be a nice paycheque at least. I worked 14 hours today.
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