Monday, January 7, 2008

Slow News Day

So, it's a slow news day here at jvd.evenflow. Well, not really. I just haven't been in a writing mood. I'm slugging through the last few weeks of school until a month of glorious, well earned holidays.

I was going to do report cards today, but I guess I'll do them tomorrow. They're due the next day. I never thought I'd be doing report cards when I came to China. This job doesn't seem like your average "teaching English in Asia" job... I thought I'd just swoop in, teach some words, and leave. I've been given much more responsibility than that. Participating in parent/teacher home visits, planning crafts and science lessons, teaching the kids to count and's been good, but difficult since I have no formal training in education. (Don't tell that to the parents and the other teachers. Apparently everyone thinks I have TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages?) because the woman that hired me off the street has told them that.) Oh well.

Anyway, here's a funny picture that I'm going to post for no reason.

Have a good Tuesday.

Clickity to see bigger size.

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