Wednesday, December 12, 2007

750 000 people die from pollution in China each year.

Click this link for the article.

I'm not surprised. The last few days have been terrible here. In Hong Kong on the weekend, it was the most polluted weekend of the year. Since Guangzhou is not as close to the water, I imagine that it's worse up here.

I'm trying to run daily again, but it's hard. Lately, when I step outside I can feel the particulates in the back of my throat as I breathe. It makes me snotty and I cough a lot.

Once dusk arrives, I can see vehicles' headlights cutting through the's like an ever-present light fog. Most vehicles here have feather dusters in them, and I realized they're there to wipe the pollution residue off the cars. It's a very fine dust that accumulates after a few days. It's less dusty than gravel road residue, but you can still see it very clearly on darker cars.

If I leave my laundry hanging outside for more than a few days, my clothes start to smell bad. So it's important to take it in once they're dry.

Carol's friend in Korea says that when we have a smoggy day, they get it a few days later. To use her words, China is outsourcing its pollution to Korea. How long until it makes it across the Pacific to Canada?

So, pollution is what I'm thinking about today. It's frustrating and depressing. And physically sickening. *cough* *hack* *sniffle* *hack*


Jazzy said...

sucks for someone as environmentally conscious as yourself! can you were little masks (or bandanas) over your mouth to filter some of the pollution from your lungs?

Erin said...

Yahoo! I was anonymously made mention of in your blog! I feel special. Damn yellow dust...*hacks up a lung*