Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Weekends in Vancouver

There are a lot of things that people can do on the weekends in Vancouver, and one of my favourite is going to the beach.  This past weekend, Carmella and I went on both Saturday and Sunday.

An interesting thing about going to the beach in Vancouver is that it doesn't always involve sand and water; it can simply mean sitting in a park that's close to the beach.  Here are a couple pictures.

On Saturday, we went to Kits beach.  Douglas Coupland, in his book City of Glass, explains that all the beautiful people in beer commercials must come from somewhere, and that somewhere is Kitsilano.  Volleyball!  Tans!  Smuggled booze!

I didn't really see that part of it until this week, but you can see it if you look.  I'm sure people work out all year so they can parade through Kits Beach.  Some people walked by on the path a great number of times, and many of these people also had great numbers of muscles and at least a few tattoos. 

The grass section in my picture still counts as Going To The Beach.  You can see the beach proper in the distance, and downtown.

On Sunday, we sent to Trafalgar Beach, which is less than one km west of Kits Beach.  It's a natural beach, so there's driftwood, seaweed, and rocks.  I like it better than Kits Beach, as there are fewer people there.  Also, the sand is really nice because it's natural.  They trucked the sand into Kits Beach, so it's kind of dirty and feels like an ashtray.  Aussies may think the sand at Trafalgar is simply dirt, but we like it!

Sunday was great.  Our friends Wes, Cindy, and Corrina were there, and we spent about four or five hours just sitting on the blanket, tossing rocks around, and doing exactly what you want to do on Sunday afternoon, which is pretty much nothing. 

It's quite nice the way a whole afternoon can be spent sitting in the sand.  For the first few minutes I find it hard to settle down, and I feel like I need a soccer ball or a frisbee.  After about half an hour though, I'm ready to simply enjoy the surroundings.

Going to the beach is a great thing that we're able to do in Vancouver, and it's really close to our apartment too.  I have to remember to enjoy the beach while the weather is nice!

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