Friday, August 19, 2011

More photos than words!

Here are a few photos from the last few weeks.  When Carolyn came back from Australia for my wedding (which I'll have to post about at some point...) she gave me her old camera!  It's a Cannon PowerShot Digital Elph.  She bought it just after our China experience, and I bought the one she used until then.  They've both been great so far, and I'm happy Carol thinks of me when she needs to unload her electronics!

My new camera in action:

Here's the flag we had on our car for our honeymoon.  I still got a speeding ticket near Nakusp though.

Our little suite we rented outside of Whistler.  We were there for our friends Christine and Jeremy's wedding.

There was a small pond behind the house.  No wildlife noises that I can remember though.

We're ready for the wedding!  Carmella wears a new dress, and I wear a shirt and tie I got with a gift card from Erik.  Carmella gave them one of her paintings!  At our wedding, Jeremy said it was his favourite, so he gets to keep it! The Claw makes a cameo.

Carmella enjoys our seats at the wedding.  There were three rows of chairs, and the rest of the guests were on the balcony.

Christine reacts to the baby in the front row, beginning to cheer!  It was actually very cute!

5 bridesmaids!  The one on the far left is expecting, which caused some minor stresses leading up to the day, because she wouldn't fit the dress anymore!  They had a good solution.

I liked the colourful bouquets.  Excellent planning by someone, having water glasses all ready at the head table to hold the flowers before dinner.

I liked the lanterns and puffy decorations that hung in the tent.

We had Carmella's mom over for supper this week, so thought it was a good time to bring out the fancy tablecloth, candle holders, and vases!  Carmella also grew that sunflower outside, from a seed.  Everything in this picture came from our wedding in some way.

Christine and Jeremy's wedding was great, and my first Jewish wedding.  Jeremy stomped on a glass, that symbolizes the fragility of love if you don't care for it.  I am curious why people tend to focus on those things at weddings.

It was fun to see that tradition happen in real life.  Here's the real live action!

Another fun tradition they had was the Chair Thing.  They both sat in chairs, and then the groomsmen lifted both chairs up and danced around, while the bride and groom sat high above everyone, bobbing and swaying in their special seats.  No pictures of it unfortunately, as it was the highlight of the wedding for us!

It was fun to go to another wedding, and look for little details that didn't look like much, but likely took a tonne of time.  Like tying 80 wedding programs into a roll with ribbon!  That would have taken forever!

I'll try to take more pictures with my new-to-me camera and post them.  I've been slacking a bit lately!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Wow, what good quality your shots are! ;)